Daycare Program
After a comprehensive and thorough discernment process, the governing council of First Presbyterian Church (the Session) has made the painful decision to suspend the PCDC (Daycare) program for the foreseeable future. Since we are concerned about the upheaval which the ten children, their families, and three staff members will experience as a result of this necessary action, a recent Session decision extends the operation date of the daycare to May 31, 2024. We hope this provides additional time for families to find new daycare providers and for staff to seek new employment opportunities.
The Session has engaged in a thorough 12-month evaluation process of its mission priorities, reaching the challenging conclusion that the church no longer has sufficient fiscal and human capital to continue this mission of our congregation. This has been a very difficult decision to take since the church must suspend (at least for the foreseeable future) a mission that has been an essential part of its ministry to and service within the greater Carbondale community for decades. It is our hope that this action allows us the time and space to continue to discover additional resources and to engage in further planning conversations surrounding this mission priority. This decision does not affect the operation of the Presbyterian Preschool program.
Preschool Program
The Preschool Program enrolls children ages 2-4 in morning classes during the school year, plus a summer session.
For more information, contact:
(618) 529-1264